Did you know that 99% of the things you worry about don’t happen? Thats INSANE! Think about how many things you have worried about, then think about how many of them have actually happened. Not many right?
What to do when you get a problem
There are certain steps you should take to solve any problem. They are:
1. Find out what the problem really is
Find out what it really is you are worried about. A lot of the time this can find a way to solve whatever it is you’re worried about.
2. Find out what is the worst thing that can happen
Find out what was the worse thing. For example, if you were to fail a test then your grade would come down. In most situations, you will see that the worst thing that can happen won’t be that bad and that you will eventually recover.
3. Accept the worst possible outcome
Say to yourself that “(worst outcome) won’t kill me. I’ll find a way to recover.” Most stress comes from not being able to accept the worst thing happening so by doing this you are getting rid of most of the stress.