Everyone needs a kindle!
What is a kindle?
A kindle is an e-reader for reading books.
Why Should I get it?
Reading is something everyone should do daily almost all successful people read(I have made an article about that here).
All your books in one place
You have all your books in one place ready to go, so if you want to take your books and don’t want your bag to way at ton the kindle is perfect for you!
Less blue light
Blue light is in most screens and worsens your sleep. A kindle has less blue light so it doesn't regress your sleep.
You can highlight, find the meaning of words, and much more
You can highlight your clippings and get a daily email about them, or upload them to the notion. You can also find meanings of words, and it automatically marks your page. The kindle has millions of features to make your reading experience better.
What kindle should I buy?
A video from now of my favorite YouTubers explains it very well: